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Barbara Wolfer

Barbara Wolfer

Barbara Wolfer

University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland

Address for correspondence: e-mail

Nationality: Swiss

Affiliation with educational networks

  • Forum Fremdsprachen Schweiz FFS (member)
  • VALS/ASLA Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics (member)
  • SGL Schweizerische Gesellschaft für LehrerInnenbildung (member)
  • EAIE European Association for International Education (member)

Work information

Occupation or position currently held
  • Coordinator of the office for national and international relations of the University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (PHSG) and mobility coordinator (Erasmus and other) for primary students
  • Lecturer for didactics of French as a foreign language at primary school (PHSG)
  • President of the “Focus Group Mobility” of COHEP (Swiss Conference of Rectors of Universities of Teacher Education)
Name of employer

Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons St.Gallen

Country of employment


Education and training

Relevant qualifications or training

2007 Coordinator of the office for national and international relations of the University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (PHSG) and mobility coordinator (Erasmus and other) for primary students

2005 Lecturer for didactics of French as a foreign language at primary school (PHSG)

since 2004: participation in EAIA conferences, including poster presentations

since 2003: implementation of an office for national and international relations

1999-2001 specialisation in foreign language didactics, University of Berne

2000-2005 Vice President of the Teachers’ College Rorschach

1990-2005 Lecturer in French as a foreign language and French didactics for primary school

1992 licentiate of arts (MA), University of Fribourg: Romance philology, French and Modern German literature; Grammar school teaching diploma for French and German


Language skills and competences

Mother tongue(s): German/Swiss German

Other language(s): French, English, Italian, Spanish, Romansh, Polish

Contribution to the project

Practice in the field
  • Coordinator of the Office for national and international relations of the University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (PHSG)
  • Pilot project International class PHSG (responsible, lecturer)
Other relevant experiences
  • Lecturer in didactics of French as a foreign language, initial and continuing education; primary, lower and upper secondary school
  • Optional course “Language Awareness – Eveil aux langues – Begegnung mit Sprachen” in initial education, co-taught with an English Studies colleague


  • „Frühes Fremdsprachenlernen in einem föderalistischen Land – eine Fallstudie“, Vortrag anlässlich des Symposiums zum frühen Fremdsprachenlernen der Universität Erfurt, publiziert in den Giessener Beiträgen zur Fremdsprachendidaktik: Adelheid Kierepka, Eberhard Klein, Renate Krüger, Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenunterricht, Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen, 2007, S.45-53