Mobility in teacher education

Student teachers at universities or teacher training colleges usually participate in long-term mobility activities lasting from one to a few semesters. Such mobility activities frequently entail studying abroad and/or some elements of teaching practice at schools.  Groups of student teachers may also participate in shorter initiatives, during which they move to a new location for a few days to attend a short series of classes or complete a project with their colleagues in the host institution. Alternatively, they can be involved in virtual mobility activities, which enable student teachers to contact representatives of partner institutions by using ICT.

Lesson plans

PluriMobil offers 14 lesson plans for teacher training and ready-made materials that support the entire process of mobility. 

The students involved in mobility will be the teachers of tomorrow. Consequently, their stay abroad/in another community will aim at different kinds of objectives:

  • plurilingual competences;
  • intercultural communicative competences;
  • autonomous learning skills;
  • reflective skills and teaching competences.

Download lesson plans in PDF or in DOC format

PS: If you are using our tools for the first time, we recommend that you read the PluriMobil quick start guide first.

PS: The PluriMobil handbook provides more thorough information about mobility activities in teacher education (see chapter 10).

Best practice

  • Double scenario: Mirjam Egli Cuenat, Lukas Bleichenbacher and Ruth Frehner, teacher trainers at the University of Teacher Training St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Go International!: International Module. Dr. Christine Lechner and Mag. Melanie Steiner Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol (PHT)

Learning scenarios

PluriMobil lesson plans support all stages of a mobility experience: preparatory phase, the mobility experience itself and the follow-up period.

Sample exercises your students can be engaged in before, during and after a mobility experience:

Special attention in our lesson plans is paid to developing reflective skills and teaching competences. It is our assumption that student teachers who have received support in the course of their mobility activities are more likely to apply similar tools with their future students.

The idea of a pedagogical double scenario:

The mobility scenario template may help you to plan your mobility activity:

Find out more about learning scenarios how to use the template in the PluriMobil quick start guide or in the PluriMobil handbook.

Mobility scenario template (available in English, French and German).