Mobility in lower secondary school

Mobility in lower secondary school may take the form of inter-school projects (organised at a local or European level); different types of class visits to a foreign country, or language institutes; long-term schooling in a foreign country; or virtual interaction with peers from different communities or countries.

Lesson plans

PluriMobil offers 13 lesson plans for lower secondary school and ready-made materials that support the entire process of a mobility project and aim at developing:

  • plurilingual competences;
  • intercultural communicative competences;
  • autonomous learning skills

Download lesson plans in PDF or in DOC format.

PS: If you are using our tools for the first time, we recommend that you read the PluriMobil quick start guide first.

PS: The PluriMobil handbook provides more thorough information about mobility activities in lower secondary school (see chapter 7).

Good practice

  • Freizeit/Free time. 
    Teacher: Michelle Vella Gobey, Teacher of German and Head of Department for German in Catholic Schools, Malta

Learning scenarios

PluriMobil lesson plans support all stages of a mobility experience: preparatory phase, the mobility experience itself and the follow-up period.

Sample exercises your students can be engaged in before, during and after a mobility experience:

The mobility scenario template may help you to plan your mobility activity:

Find out more about learning scenarios how to use the template in the PluriMobil quick start guide or in the PluriMobil handbook.

Mobility scenario template (available in English, French and German).