Josephine Cole

Josephine Cole

Josephine Cole

International Learning and Research Centre, Bristol, United Kingdom

Address for correspondence: e-mail

Nationality: British

Affiliation with educational networks

  • ELOS/Europe as a Learning Environment in Schools (UK South West Co-ordinator): ELOS is a school network of more than 200 secondary schools, led by policy makers from 12 European countries. The European ELOS network connects secondary schools and education advisory organizations in order to promote European citizenship among secondary school pupils.
  • Links Into Languages (member of South West Advisory Board): A nationally co-ordinated network of support centres based in universities, in each of the nine English regions, supported by a network of local centres offering a training and drop-in centre for meetings, networking and access to resources. Links Into Languages is a consortium led by the Subject Centre for Languages (LLAS) at the University of Southampton with the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) and the Association for Language Learning (ALL) and funded by the Department of Children Schools and Families (DCSF)

Work information

Occupation or position currently held

Senior consultant, languages and pedagogy

Name of employer

International Learning and Research Centre

Country of employment

United Kingdom

Language skills and competences

Mother tongue(s): English

Other language(s): French

Contribution to the project

Practice in the field