Anna Czura - website correspondent
Surname: Czura
First name: Anna
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: Polish
Affiliation with educational networks/associations
- Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne (Modern Language Association of Poland)- member
- AILA Research Network (ReN) on Learner Autonomy in Language Learning - member
- ECEP (ECML) Project network
Work information
Occupation or position currently held:
Assistant Professor
Main activities and responsabilities
A teacher trainer: under-graduate and post-graduate courses in foreign language education.
A researcher in foreign language education.
Name of employer:
Department of English Studies, University of Wroclaw
Country of employment:
Education and training
2010. PhD in linguistics, University of Wroclaw, Poland.
2004. MA in English studies, University of Wroclaw, Poland.
Languages of communication
Mother tongue
Other languages
Expertise in the topic of the project
2003-2006 - an English teacher in lower- and upper-secondary school
2006 till present – a researcher and a teacher trainer of English as a foreign language
2008 till present - An expert for textbook evaluation in the field of English as a foreign language for the Ministry of Education, Poland.
2009-2011 – a member of the network for the Encouraging the Culture of Evaluation among Professionals project (ECML)
2012-2013 – Research project “The role of intercultural competence in teacher training and language education on a secondary level” (University of Wrocław)
Major research interests: learner autonomy, assessment, CLIL, the implementation of the COE documents, teacher education, developing communicative and intercultural competence.
Selected publications:
Czura, A. 2013. Intercultural communicative competence in the eyes of student teachers of English. Anglica Wratislaviensia 51 (in print).
Czura, A. 2013. Implementing portfolio assessment in lower-secondary school. English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries (ELOPE) Journal: 83-94.
Czura, A. 2012. Dziesięć lat ESOKJ i EPJ (Ten years of the CEFR and ELP). Języki obce w szkole (1/2012): 98-102.
Czura, A. 2010. Interkulturowość, różnojęzyczność, autonomia, ocenianie. Jak zapoznać nauczycieli z zagadnieniami Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego? (Intercultural competence, plurilingualism, autonomy, assessment. How to familiarise language teachers with the premises of the CEFR?) In: Interdyscyplinarność w nauczaniu języków obcych. (Interdisciplinary Issues in Foreign Language Teaching). Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej: 91-97.
Selected conference presentations
Czura, A. Europejskie Portfolio Językowe w klasie - przykłady dobrych praktyk. (European Language Portfolio in the classroom – examples of good practice). Language education in the Lifelong Learning Programme. A seminar for teachers of French as a foreign language. Warsaw: 10 April 2013.
Czura, A. The Common European Framework of Reference in teacher training – practical implications. The 5th International Conference "Languages for Work and Life: a Challenge for Teachers and Learners". The Lithuanian Association of Language Teachers, Vilnius University (VU) , the Public Service Language Centre and Klaipeda University (KU): 20-21 May 2011.
Czura A. Minority groups in Polish Education System. CEPIN Conference and PhD Course: Contested identities, contested cultures and contested rights. Change and challenges in the Northern European periphery. University of Tromsø, Norway: 23 - 25 September 2009.