First expert meeting, 9-10 September 2010

First expert meeting of the PluriMobil project team, September 9-10, 2010
The project team first met on September 9-10, with a delay of four months due to the volcanic eruption in April 2010.
The primary objectives of our first meeting were to
- get the project started;
- analyse a number of Council of Europe documents (in specific the ELP, the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters (AIE), Mirrors and Windows, ICCinte, and CARAP), with regard to their use in mobility experiences of future teachers and their pupils;
- to plan the main workshop (March 22-24, 2011);
- to compile a list of commented hyperlinks, with the aim of linking the work and instruments emerging from different institutions (COE, EU, as well examples of national coordination instances for mobility);
- to draft an outline of the publication.
The first part of our meeting was devoted to a sketch of a first learning scenario, aimed at teacher trainers. The scenario is based, on the one hand, on an analysis of the above-mentioned instruments, and on the other, on a discussion of concrete mobility experiences of teachers during their training.
This first scenario will be finalized in the coming months, and presented at the main workshop in March 2011, which was the second main issue discussed a tour meeting. The workshop participants (teachers at primary and secondary level; teacher trainers for these levels) will be asked to contribute substantially to the production of a second learning scenario. This scenario will be aimed at teachers who are to support their pupils before and during a mobility experience.
A first list of commented hyperlinks compiled by the team members will be made available to the interested public in the coming weeks.
The project publication will consist of a brief user guide containing a preview of the two learning scenarios, as well as a CD-ROM containing additional material, and excerpts from the used instruments.