
28 February 2011
European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz, Austria
Central Workshop “Mobility programmes for plurilingual and intercultural education – tools for language teachers” (PluriMobil),
22-24 March 2011
Dear colleague,
The central workshop of our PluriMobil project is approaching quickly. We are very pleased to send you the programme and the scenario for trainee teachers as well as related materials.
In preparation for the workshop we kindly ask you to have a look at:
The main objectives of the workshop are

a)      to elaborate a second scenario for younger learners;

b)      to reinforce the international networks promoting teacher and student mobility.

Please refer to our project website for more details regarding the content and specific objectives of PluriMobil //
Social progamme
You will find in your programme an offer of social activities. Please register with the ECML, Ms Sonia Liebmann on the attached form. For our multicultural evening organized by the team and the participants at the ECML, we would like to ask you to bring food or drinks typical of your country.
Information for our preparation
For our preparation, we kindly ask you to indicate
  • a list of web addresses of organizations or networks that facilitate and promote teacher and student mobility in your country;
  • which sector of education you are working in (primary, lower secondary or both, teacher training).
Please send the attached form to by 14 March.
Last but not least, we also ask you to bring a copy of any European Language Portfolio in use in your country and, if possible, a paper copy of the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters.
The PluriMobil team is very much looking forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely,
Mirjam Egli Cuenat
Coordinator of the PluriMobil project

Nominations Workshop PluriMobil

Deadline for nominations: 18 February 2011

Albania / Albanie

Andorra / Andorre

Armenia / Arménie

Austria / Autriche 1 2 3

Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine

Bulgaria / Bulgarie 1 2

Croatia / Croatie

Cyprus / Chypre

Czech Republic / République tchèque

Finland / Finlande

France / France 1 

Estonia / Estonie

Germany / Allemagne

Greece / Grèce

Hungary / Hongrie

Ireland / Irlande

Iceland / Islande

Italy / Italie

Latvia / Léttonie

Lithuania / Lituani

Malta / Malte

Montenegro / Monténégro

Norway / Norvège

The Netherlands / Pays-Bas

Poland / Pologne

Portugal / Portugal

Romania / Roumanie

Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie

Slovenia / Slovénie

Spain/ Espagne

Switzerland / Suisse

Sweden / Suède

The "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" / L'"Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine"

United Kingdom / Royaume Uni