About the publication

The publication offers a ‘double learning scenario’ for trainee teachers and pupils in primary and secondary school including a user guide for pedagogical monitoring of mobility experiences, both real and virtual.

What is its added value?

The publication provides:

  • an easy entry point to Council of Europe tools, stimulating autonomous learning;
  • a similar methodological approach for the trainee teachers and their pupils.

Chapters of the publication

  1. Introduction
  2. Scenario for trainee teachers at primary or lower secondary levels
    1. Introduction to the scenario for trainee teachers
    2. Scenario-plan for trainee teachers (primary and secondary)
  3. 3. Scenario for pupils from primary schools
    1. Introduction to the scenario for primary school pupils
    2. Scenario-plan for primary school pupils
  4. Scenario for pupils from lower secondary schools
    1. Introduction to the scenario for lower secondary pupils
    2. Scenario-plan for lower secondary pupils
  5. Some materials and suggested activities
    1. Examples of materials adapted for different target groups
      (a) Trainee teachers
      (b) lower secondary pupils
    2. Examples of materials – Before, during and after (for primary school pupils)
      (a) Before
      (b) During
      (c) After
  6. Bibliography

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